[TriLUG] kickstart questions

Jason Tower jason at cerient.net
Sun Feb 16 17:06:07 EST 2003

thanks jeremy, i'll check that out shortly.  and i think that some of the 
inconsistencies i've found are due to different versions, i'm working on a 
project right now that requires rh72 but some of the docs i've been using are 
written for rh80.

quick question: in my rh72 kickstart file i'm deselecting a couple of packages 
that other rpms require.  as a result, the installer gives me the option of 
resolving the problem, ignoring the deps, or not installing packages with 
missing dependencies.  how do i automatically select the last option in the 
ks.cfg file?  i did not see this particular parameter in the docs.  thanks


On Sunday 16 February 2003 14:20, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 23:49, Jason Tower wrote:
> > i have a motherboard (MSI-6368) with onboard trident blade video.  if i
> > try to install rh72 via nfs, it works beautifully.  if i try to install
> > by booting the CD the installer fails to start X.  in both cases the
> > video is detected properly, but the nfs method works while the CD method
> > fails (it tries several times to start X using different servers before
> > giving up and switching to text).  not a show-stopper but curious
> > nonetheless.
> You can look at /tmp/XFree86.log in the installer to see why it didn't
> start.  It is odd, though since the second stage between the two is
> exactly the same.
> > and yes, kickstart is way cool (especially in conjunction with nfs), if
> > poorly documented.  the redhat docs don't always jive with their sample
> > config which doesn't match up exactly with my redhat press sysadmin book
> > which is out of sync with several examples i've seen on the web which
> > only sort of match my actual working ks.cfg.  but when it works it kicks
> > big ol' booty.
> If you find cases where the docs don't match up with what works, please
> file them in bugzilla -- I try to catch inaccuracies, but that doesn't
> always mean we catch everything.   Note that you should really be sure
> that the version of the customization guide you're looking at matches
> the version of Red Hat Linux you're trying to install -- kickstart is
> slowly morphing so the docs tend to get slightly tweaked each release
> accordingly.  I try to keep everything nice and backwards compatible,
> but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm bug-compatible :)
> Cheers,
> Jeremy
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