[TriLUG] I'm scared of PAM

Ryan Leathers Ryan.Leathers at globalknowledge.com
Wed Feb 19 10:09:52 EST 2003

Please - someone speak words of encouragement to me !!!

I am learning about xdm, chooser, and xdmcp.  I have edited most of what
I think I need to edit, but am at the point where:

Connecting to the xdm host as root gives me
Fatal server error: XDMCP fatal error: Manager unwilling Host unwilling

Connecting to the xdm host as any other account gives me
PAM authentication failed, cannot start X server. Perhaps you do not
have console ownsership?

So, I believe that root (or uid 0) is not allowed to connect and this is
actually the behavior I want.  However, I do want to connect from other
accounts.  I'm guessing that I need to make changes to the /etc/pam.d
files xdm and or xserver.  I could just use the swag and see approach
but my last adventure with PAM didn't turn out well so I'm a little
Any good advice here is appreciated.

Finally, once this is working I hope to do it through ssh.  If I get it
all working I will post my personal howto for benefit of the other


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