[TriLUG] TriLUG GnuPG Web of Trust

Chris Hedemark chrish at trilug.org
Wed Mar 19 07:03:47 EST 2003

I'm sure I've missed people but here is a preliminary graphical 
representation of the TriLUG web of trust:


If anyone has a more up-to-date TriLUG keyring (binary, please, not 
ASCII armored) I'll try again with it.

Obviously Jeremy Portzer is the trusting type.  ;-)

I'm starting with the tools available here: 
http://www.chaosreigns.com/code/sig2dot/ and want to build a php 
interface around this such that a keymaster for a given LUG can manage 
the LUG keyring through a web interface, generate web of trust 
stats/graphs, and determine if there is a web of trust between one LUG 
and another.  I initially came up with a PLUG-TriLUG graph but it is a 
little screwy and I need to see what is wrong.

Chris Hedemark
PGP/GnuPG Public Key at http://yonderway.com/chris/hedemark.gpg
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