[TriLUG] NFS/NIS/Automount/BIND

Chris Hedemark chrish at trilug.org
Wed Apr 23 21:52:32 EDT 2003

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On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 06:55 PM, Jon Carnes wrote:

> NFS is very easy and secure (no matter what ChrisH may say!),

Actually it was NIS, not NFS, that I was complaining about earlier.

But since you bring it up, I grudgingly use NFS.  It's not exactly 
secure, either, but there aren't a lot of mature alternatives out there.

> NIS - allows you to have a universal login across all your machines
>      (all your unix machines)

It can actually do *more* than this, but the universal login feature is 
the real hook.  My preference, as stated, is for LDAP which has much 
tighter controls on who can see what.

NIS+ is more secure than NIS (as long as you don't enable backwards 
compatibility) but a real bear to set up & maintain, and very hard to 
find professional support for if/when you need it.

> Automount - mount remote (shared) drives automatically

Not just remote drives;  the automounter can be used for the CD-ROM 
drive, floppy, and more (see the /etc/auto.misc example in Red Hat and 
possibly other distros for an example).

> BIND - DNS = name service and IP look-ups

No gripes. Really.  :-)

- --
"When we say `War is over if you want it,' we mean that if everyone 
demanded peace instead of another TV set, we'd have peace." -- John 
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