[TriLUG] Here's an something strange that showed up on one of the Lockergnome newsletters..
al johson
alfjon at mindspring.com
Sat May 10 22:36:44 EDT 2003
"hosted on a Microsoft research server", but "not commissioned by
Microsoft"?? Yeah right!! And Pigs do Fly!! ---Al Johnson.
PDF - 360pgs
Price: Free
This out-of-print gem has been released by its creator, freely available to
anyone willing to download the PDF. As the name implies, this is not a
balanced view of UNIX, it is a blatant slap in the face of everything the
operating system stand for. While the pages are hosted on a Microsoft
research server, the book was not commissioned by MS, nor is it officially
endorsed as the MS bible. There's even a anti-foreward retort by Dennis
Ritchie, UNIX co-creator and developer of the C programming language. A
compelling piece of technology history, the UNIX-HATERS Handbook is a must
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