[TriLUG] sendmail question -ONoRecipientAction=Add-To-Undisclosed

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Fri May 23 15:56:50 EDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 15:43, Jon Carnes wrote:
> Jeremy you are using a BCC so this has no effect:
>  NoRecipientAction=action
>    Set the behaviour when there are no recipient headers (To:,
>    Cc: or Bcc:) in the message to action: none leaves the mes-
>    sage unchanged, add-to adds a To: header with the envelope
>    recipients, add-apparently-to adds an Apparently-To: header
>    with the envelope recipients, add-bcc adds an empty Bcc:
>    header, and add-to-undisclosed adds a header reading `To:
>    undisclosed-recipients:;'.

Hmm, I guess it must depend on where in the processing this rule is
applied.  There are no BCC: headers in the final message that goes out
(because of the way BCC works), but there are in the initial mail that's
passed to "sendmail -t".  Apparently it looks at the incoming message
when it determines whether or not to add the undisclosed-recipients
thing.  I suppose that makes sense -- thanks for pointing this out!

BUT, I'm still not sure it's working right.  Suppose I try this on the
mail server:

telnet localhost 25
HELO localhost
MAIL FROM: <irrelevant at example.com>
RCPT TO: <blind.recipient at example.com>
From: <irrevelant at example.com>
Subject: Email with no To, CC, or BCC

This is the body of the email
<dot on a newline by itself>

Then, I check the inbox of "blind.recipient".  The message is
successfully delivered, and still has no To, CC, or BCC headers.  But it
should have a header of "To: undisclosed-recipients:;" because
sendmail.cf was built with that option turned on!  Why was no "To:"
header added?

Also, do you have any ideas about the other error message I was getting
when I manually put the "To: undisclosed-recipients:;" header in?  This
is the error:
	553 5.1.3 undisclosed-recipients:;... List:; syntax illegal
	for recipient addresses

Is there a way to make this syntax un-illegal?


| Jeremy Portzer       jeremyp at pobox.com       trilug.org/~jeremy     |
| GPG Fingerprint: 712D 77C7 AB2D 2130 989F  E135 6F9F F7BC CC1A 7B92 |
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