[TriLUG] Gamers: Blizzard shuts down FreeCraft

William Gomeringer pihlopase at pihlopase.net
Sun Jun 22 13:23:28 EDT 2003

It is being continued under the name Project Inferno. They are just
removing the Warcraft II specific parts. You can check the progress and
chat with developers at #projectinferno on irc.freenode.net. Also, the
packages are still available in Debian unstable. I downloaded the latest
version last night. I also have the source if you are interested in
building your own package. William

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 10:16, Lee wrote:
> Bad news fellow TriLUG gamers :-(
> -Lee
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | FreeCraft Cease and Desisted by Blizzard                           |
> |   from the calling-it-quits dept.                                  |
> |   posted by CowboyNeal on Saturday June 21, @09:30 (rts)           |
> |   http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/06/21/1323249              |
> +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
> [0]mandreiana writes "As of June 20th, [1]FreeCraft is shut down. The
> development team received a cease and desist order due to the name
> 'FreeCraft' causing possible confusion with the names StarCraft and
> WarCraft, and also some of the ideas within the engine were too similar
> to WarCraft 2. There will be no more updates to this game, and it is no
> longer available for download." Way to go, [2]Blizzard, now the only
> competitors to worry about are the ones who can afford lawyers and
> actually hold competing market share. Of course, not using a *Craft for a
> game project might have kept it under the radar a while longer.
> Discuss this story at:
>      http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=03/06/21/1323249
> Links:
>      0. http://marius.galuna.ro
>      1. http://happypenguin.org/newsitem?id=3801
>      2. http://www.blizzard.com/
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+                                              +
+ William R. Gomeringer                        +
+ cell: 919.260.4334                           +
+ web: http://pihlopase.mine.nu                +
+ location: Hood, Chapel Hill, NC              +

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