[TriLUG] Novell jumps into Linux

David R. Matusiak dave at matusiak.org
Tue Jun 24 13:35:31 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 01:12  PM, STaylor at srspos.com wrote:

> Linux isn't a do all - end to end server platform YET, in my opinion.
> Novell is.

absolutely nothing personal, but please excuse my ROTFLOL.

> They also have a super pricing structure at this point.

is "Free" a good pricing structure?

> Last I heard, servers were free and cal's cost money. I think that's a 
> pretty respectable offering.

what is a "cal"??  calendar?  calculator?  california?

> This rant and a quarter will get you a phone call.

unfortunately, it won't.  my experience with pay phones lately has left 
me more than a bit distressed.  allow me to enumerate:

1. most pay phones you approach these days DO NOT WORK AT ALL.

2. those that actually DO WORK require a minimum of 35 cents (and these 
cheapy 35 cent dealies are almost impossible to find).

3. the remainder charge you a wonderful 50 cents for a local call.

4. then there are those phones that give you a whole four (4) minutes 
for a dollar.  "Call Anywhere in the Country" they advertise.  much to 
my chagrin, these are now the most commonly found pay phones.  thus, to 
call your friend 2 miles away to make a 20 second call to ask for a 
ride costs you one whole dollar (if you can find either the dollar or a 
working phone).

why am i going on about this?  well, Shawn gave me an opening, i have 
some time to kill, and i think this is a majorly BAD and EVIL trend in 
communications today.  not everyone is wealthy (or prissy) enough to 
have a cell phone on their crotch 24 hours a day, so there is still a 
valid need for pay phones.  also, you should have the choice between "4 
minutes ANYWHERE for a dollar" and "35 cent quickie" on the same phone.

i guess, if i owned the phones and the infrastructure and all that, my 
comments might hold some value.  but instead, i am just another 
complaining non-customer.



someday i'll be more than i am today...

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