[TriLUG] CTF, BZflag, and fun stuff.

Chris Knowles chrisk at trilug.org
Thu Jun 26 10:47:10 EDT 2003

Oh.  OK, I'm gonna take this one.  (and Lee, if you're not ready, well,
too bad.)

As I've mentioned before TriLUG has a BZFlag server.

BZFlag (http://www.bzflag.org/) is a multiplayer tank game that runs
under a plethora of platforms, (linux, Mac, Windows to name a few) and
has two main modes of play, Free For All (often abbreviated to FFA) and
Capture The Flag (CTF)

We usually coordinate the games through IRC (that's the "xchat thingie")
and the games usually go off in the evenings, around 9+.

Lately, the CTF games have come into play, and we've found a need for
better communication in the game.

Lee suggested an application called TeamSpeak, which allows for real
time voice comms.

TeamSpeak (http://www.teamspeak.org/) also works on windows and Linux. 
(Sorry Mac guys... :( )

So, if you want to try it out, BZflag is served at bzflag.trilug.org 
port 5155 is the FFA and port 7000 is the CTF.

Games in FFA are more common than CTF, as more people need to be

If you would like to use TeamSpeak, do a "/msg elfick <message about
teamspeak>" while in the #trilug channel in IRC, and he'll get you

I hope that this answers your questions. 


On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 10:31, Jim Ray wrote:
> best my memory recalls, you mentioned CTF on the xchat thingie last night around 9:30 PM.  there was talk about microphones and speakers.  i hit the sheets and missed out on all the fun.
> 	-----Original Message----- 
> 	From: Tanner Lovelace [mailto:lovelace at wayfarer.org] 
> 	Sent: Thu 6/26/2003 10:27 AM 
> 	To: trilug at trilug.org 
> 	Cc: 
> 	Subject: RE: [TriLUG] GPG Signed e-mails
Chris Knowles <chrisk at trilug.org>

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