[TriLUG] Ilan's Group

Michael Thompson thompson at easternrad.com
Fri Aug 1 17:57:29 EDT 2003

Speaking of the Philippines, is there a 'filipino' Linux distro with
actual Tagalog language files?  I see an 'English (Philippines)' option
in the Red Hat install, but it doesn't look any different than the
'plain' english.



On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 16:49, Meyer, David R wrote:
> Ilan,
> I like the idea of your group.  I wasn't sure at first where you were
> going with your original posting, but I like where it has gone.  I am
> involved in five different LUG's (three of which are outside of the US)
> and in each case, Linux on the Desktop is much more accepted outside of
> the US than it is here.  In the Philippines, the Linux desktop has
> enabled thousands to have what they could not have before...affordable
> computing.  But because many didn't have Windows experience and
> dependancy like we American's do (not me) the Linux desktop meets their
> needs.
> I think your idea should do a great thing by showing how simple this
> really is.
> Rock On!
> Dave
> **********
> David R. Meyer
> Computer Associates International, Inc.
> Storage Consultant
> CA Technology Services
> tel:    +1 813.612.7394
> fax:   +1 813.627.3014
> Pager: 1.888.BEEP.CAI
> Email:  david.meyer07 at ca.com
Michael Thompson <thompson at easternrad.com>
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