[TriLUG] starting mozilla automagically

Chris Knowles chrisk at trilug.org
Sun Aug 10 15:24:20 EDT 2003

Ok, I'm customizing morphix (www.morphix.org) for a friend.

And what he wants is for it to have certain packages installed, which is
no problem, it's the second request that's giving me fits.

He wants mozilla-firebird to start on boot to a certain webpage.

I've tried putting it into (what I think) are the standard suspects... 


None of these work.  

Now, all I can think of is that this is because these files get run
before the desktop is loaded, how do I get xfce4 to start a program on

any/all help is as always appreciated.  I'm feeling like a total idiot
at this point.

Chris Knowles <chrisk at trilug.org>
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