[TriLUG] Computer Getting Slow

crimsun at fungus.sh.nu crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
Thu Aug 21 10:58:00 EDT 2003

On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 10:19:48AM -0400, Henry S. Huntsberry wrote:
> home, as of about Wednesday of las week, seems to be very slow as it srarts 
> and an opens any applications.  I noticed that the CD burner seems to be 
> acting funny as well.  My computer at home is used by my family and the 
> default is a gnome session.  I used to be able to simply put a blank CD into 
> the CD and it would pop up with a //Burn screen that made it simple to burn a 
> CD.  Now it is very slow to open and when I try to burn a CD it just hangs.

Would you post a snippet from the end of your /var/log/messages when the
system begins acting strangely?

]# tail /var/log/messages

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Daniel T. Chen          crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
GPG key:   www.sh.nu/~crimsun/pubkey.gpg.asc
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