[TriLUG] Computer Getting Slow

Tom Boucher trekkie at spamcop.net
Thu Aug 21 20:12:21 EDT 2003

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 10:49 AM, Jim Ray wrote:

> i like re-loading systems and starting from known good initial
> conditions.  works for differential equations and computers.

I disagree.  I find this a complete and utter cop out for any computer 
tech that feels this is a good way of 'troubleshooting' any system no 
matter what the OS.

First things you could do is look at top and see where the process 
speed is going.   That can help identify what process is taking time 
causing said 'slowness'

There are a lot of tools available to judge the health of the system.  
Format C or mkfs /dev/hda is not a good solution to a problem.

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