[TriLUG] Viewing quarantine items by spamassassin

Turnpike Man turnpike420 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 19 12:49:28 EDT 2003

I have similar setup, postfix, SA, but I use .procmailrc for filtering prior to
message delivery, so it doesn't matter where or what imap client I check my
email with, the messages will always already be filtered.  If a message is
labled spam with greater than 5 hits (SA default), it just gets labeled spam
and hits my inbox... if it has greater than 7 hits, it is spam folder bound,
and if it has greater than 10 hits, it's /dev/null bound.  I have considered
making this 4, 6 and 9, but I think I should upgrade SA from 2.44 first! ;) 
Yup, I'm lazy.  Running on RedHat 9.

David M.

--- Michael Hrivnak wrote:
> Stephen,
> I have a somewhat similar setup.  I use postfix with spamassassin, but I
> don't have an explicit quarantine procedure.  I simply have spamassassin
> check email and mark it as spam where appropriate, but it still gets
> dumped into my inbox.  Then I filter it client-side into its own
> directory so it stays out of my way.  I suppose I should mention that SA
> is running on a local server that receives my email and serves it via
> imap, thanks to Mandrake 9.1.
> When I get false positives, the original emails are simply attachments
> to the spam report, so I just drag-and-drop the attachment back to my
> inbox.  I also use sa-learn periodically to give SA a taste of what sort
> of spam and non-spam I get.
> Michael

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