[TriLUG] mySQL/SQL books

Dan Monjar daniel.monjar at na.biomerieux.com
Thu Sep 25 16:00:43 EDT 2003

--On Thursday, September 25, 2003 03:54:48 PM -0400 Scott Chilcote 
<scottchilcote at earthlink.net> wrote:

> The first is O'Reilly's "MySQL & mSQL"

I have another one from O'Reilly that is an overview of SQL.  The cool 
thing is that it covers MySQL, Postgresql, Oracle and MS SQL.  SO for each 
SQL verb/statment you'll get the syntax for all four DB types. 
Unfortunately, it is at home and I don't remember the title....

Daniel Monjar
IS Manager, Technical Services
bioMérieux, Inc.
Durham, NC US
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