[TriLUG] Replacing Hard Drive

Ken Mink kmtrilug at nc.rr.com
Mon Sep 29 11:02:20 EDT 2003

One thing to be aware of when unsing Knoppix is the version of the
fstools. I ran into this when using Knoppix to copy a RH7.3 machine to a
new hard drive. I used Knoppix to partition and format the new drives. I
then rsync'd all the files over. The first time RH7.3 needed to fsck the
new drive, it said the filesystems were created with unsupported options
and refused to fsck the drive. There was some slight difference between
the fstools that RH7.3 didn't like.

I restarted the whole process, but used the RH7.3 cds in rescue mode to
create the filesystems. I used Knoppix exactly as before for all other
steps. This time there were no complaints from RH7.3 when fsck'ing.

These were ext3 filesystems and the RH7.3 was up to date on errata.
There also may have been a keyboard to chair interface problem.


On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 20:21, Michael Hrivnak wrote:
> I've done this a number of times.  I like to use knoppix.  I partition
> and format the new drive, and then for any non-swap partitions I mount
> them on each drive and do:
> cp -avx /mnt/old/* /mnt/new/*
> Works like a charm.  Don't forget to run lilo on the new drive.
> Michael

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."--Benjamin Franklin
" 'Necessity' is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it
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