[TriLUG] Modem on my 12xL500

Mike Mueller linux-support at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 11 00:21:31 EST 2003

On Friday 07 November 2003 18:43, Aidan Dunne wrote:
>   Hello,
>              I would be greatfull if you could tell me
> how to get the modem working on my presario.
> Everything else works but this. If I could get this
> working I could also get the wife to use it at home at
> least. Small steps.

I used to have a presario.  I managed to get the winmodem working under 
Mandrake 8.1.  Here are some notes I made in 2002 and some new comments added 
this evening for your benefit.  This might help and it might not. A presario 
is not necessarily a presario.  Good luck.


   I have a winmodem modem in my Presario 12XL500 laptop.  It is a Conexant 
   MicroModem 56K (rev 1) per "lspci -vv | more"

   By Googling around I found a helpful website at
   http://www.mbsi.ca/cnxtlindrv/ that is dedicated to helping you get your
   Conexant winmodem working as a linmodem.

http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/  (Linux friendly - cool)

   It turns out that I have a Conexant HSF type modem.  I followed the
   directions provided for that type driver on the website.  The only thing I
   needed that was not directly mentioned was:

   $ su -
   $ rm -f /dev/modem
   $ ln -s /dev/ttySHSF0 /dev/modem

   I ran these commands after rpm'ing in the drivers for Mandrake 8.1 and 
   running hsfconfig.  hsfconfig reported having made /dev/ttySHSF0.


Going back and forth between HS and dial-up

   I rebooted with my PCMCIA lan adapter ejected.  I then ran kppp from the
   Mandrake 8.1 desktop (the icon called Internet; sphere with orbiting star).
   Voila.  Internet access the old fashioned way.

See how GUIs teach you non-transferrable skills?

   I learned the reboot was unnecessary.  I eject the PCMCIA LAN adapter. Run
   kppp and dial ISP. surf on dial-up. Disconnect. Inject PCMCIA Lan Adapter.
   beep-beep. surf on DSL.

Mike Mueller
324881 (08/20/2003)
Make clockwise circles with your right foot. 
Now use your right hand to draw the number "6" in the air.

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