[TriLUG] fairly noob Mailman question

Ryan Wheaton ryan.wheaton at comcast.net
Tue Nov 25 17:57:51 EST 2003


i've got Mailman installed on an internal server, and everything looks 
fine internally....  It can send mail, admin lists, the whole she-bang. 
  But i'd like to make the web interface visible to the outside.  I 
thought that maybe i could do this by just forwarding a port on my 
firewall to port 80 on the internal machine, but it's not quite 
working.  Whenever I try to connect through port 5050, Mailman tries to 
redirect to the internal hostname.  I've tried setting the mm_cfg.py 
file to direct everything to the external address, but it doesn't seem 
to listen.  here's the entries in my mm_cfg file:

DEFAULT_URL_HOST   = 'external.address.com'
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s:5050/mailman'

and, when i try to connect externally from an outside box with lynx, i 
get this:

Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host

Looking up external.address.com:5050
Making HTTP connection to external.address.com:5050
Sending HTTP request.
HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Data transfer complete
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Looking up internal.hostname.com
Unable to locate remote host internal.hostname.com.
Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.

lynx: Can't access startfile http://external.address.com:5050/mailman

in order for me to access Mailman from the outside, do i have to stick 
it in a DMZ or out on it's own with it's own resove- able host name?  
am i missing something in the mailman config?


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