[TriLUG] compactflash 64mb works, 256mb doesn't (rh 7.2)

Rodent of Unusual Size Ken.Coar at Golux.Com
Sun Dec 7 01:27:33 EST 2003

i decided to upgrade my camera's cf card today from 64mb to 256mb.
the new card works fine in the camera -- but not in my SanDisk
pcmcia cf adapter.  i have tried formatting the card in the camera
with no change in behaviour.

here's what /var/log/messages contains when the 64mb card is
inserted and mounted (i.e., working control for comparison):

<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: initializing socket 1
<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: socket 1: ATA/IDE Fixed Disk
<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: executing: 'modprobe ide-cs'
<timestamp> kernel: hde: CF-ATA, CFA DISK drive
<timestamp> kernel: ide2 at 0x140-0x147,0x14e on irq 5
<timestamp> kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide
<timestamp> kernel: hde: attached ide-disk driver.
<timestamp> kernel: hde: task_no_data_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
<timestamp> kernel: hde: task_no_data_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
<timestamp> kernel: hde: 125184 sectors (64 MB) w/2KiB Cache, CHS=978/4/32
<timestamp> kernel:  hde: hde1
<timestamp> kernel: ide_cs: hde: Vcc = 3.3, Vpp = 0.0
<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: executing: './ide start hde'
<timestamp> kernel:  hde: hde1

and here's what happens when i try with the 256mb card:

<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: initializing socket 1
<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: socket 1: ATA/IDE Fixed Disk
<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: executing: 'modprobe ide-cs'
<timestamp> kernel: hde: CF CARD, CFA DISK drive
<timestamp> kernel: ide2 at 0x140-0x147,0x14e on irq 5
<timestamp> kernel: ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide
<timestamp> kernel: hde: attached ide-disk driver.
<timestamp> kernel: hde: status error: status=0x20 { DeviceFault }
<timestamp> kernel: 
<timestamp> kernel: hde: drive not ready for command
<timestamp> kernel: hde: 517632 sectors (265 MB) w/1KiB Cache, CHS=1011/16/32
<timestamp> kernel:  hde:hde: status error: status=0x20 { DeviceFault }
<timestamp> kernel: 
<timestamp> kernel: hde: drive not ready for command
<timestamp> kernel: ide2: reset: success
<timestamp> kernel: hde: status error: status=0x20 { DeviceFault }
<timestamp> kernel: 
<timestamp> kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 21:00 (hde), sector 0

..[repeated several times]..

<timestamp> cardmgr[925]: executing: './ide start hde'
<timestamp> kernel:  unable to read partition table
<timestamp> kernel: ide_cs: hde: Vcc = 3.3, Vpp = 0.0
<timestamp> kernel: hde: status error: status=0x20 { DeviceFault }
<timestamp> kernel: 
<timestamp> kernel: hde: drive not ready for command
<timestamp> kernel: hde: status error: status=0x20 { DeviceFault }
<timestamp> kernel: 
<timestamp> kernel: hde: drive not ready for command

when i try to mount it, more of the same in /var/log/messages, and
this at the shell:

# mount /mnt/nikon/
/dev/hde1: Invalid argument
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

here's my /etc/fstab line for the drive:

/dev/hde1    /mnt/nikon    auto    noauto,owner    0 0

i haven't found any description of this in my googling; has anyone
here ever encountered anything like this?  the new card is worthless
to me if i can't download the pix from it..

the only obvious difference i see is that the 64mb card is recognised
as 'CF-ATA' but the 256mb card is 'CF CARD'.

here are the contents of /proc/ide/hde/settings for the 64mb

name                    value           min             max             mode
----                    -----           ---             ---             ----
acoustic                0               0               254             rw
address                 0               0               2               rw
bios_cyl                978             0               65535           rw
bios_head               4               0               255             rw
bios_sect               32              0               63              rw
breada_readahead        8               0               255             rw
bswap                   0               0               1               r
current_speed           0               0               70              rw
failures                0               0               65535           rw
file_readahead          124             0               16384           rw
init_speed              0               0               70              rw
io_32bit                0               0               3               rw
keepsettings            0               0               1               rw
lun                     0               0               7               rw
max_failures            1               0               65535           rw
max_kb_per_request      128             1               255             rw
multcount               0               0               1               rw
nice1                   1               0               1               rw
nowerr                  0               0               1               rw
number                  0               0               3               rw
pio_mode                write-only      0               255             w
slow                    0               0               1               rw
unmaskirq               0               0               1               rw
using_dma               0               0               1               rw
wcache                  0               0               1               rw

and the 256mb card:
name                    value           min             max             mode
----                    -----           ---             ---             ----
acoustic                0               0               254             rw
address                 0               0               2               rw
bios_cyl                1011            0               65535           rw
bios_head               16              0               255             rw
bios_sect               32              0               63              rw
breada_readahead        8               0               255             rw
bswap                   0               0               1               r
current_speed           0               0               70              rw
failures                0               0               65535           rw
file_readahead          124             0               16384           rw
init_speed              0               0               70              rw
io_32bit                0               0               3               rw
keepsettings            0               0               1               rw
lun                     0               0               7               rw
max_failures            1               0               65535           rw
max_kb_per_request      128             1               255             rw
multcount               0               0               1               rw
nice1                   1               0               1               rw
nowerr                  0               0               1               rw
number                  0               0               3               rw
pio_mode                write-only      0               255             w
slow                    0               0               1               rw
unmaskirq               0               0               1               rw
using_dma               0               0               1               rw
wcache                  0               0               1               rw

no differences except in the geometry.  (duh. :-)
#ken	P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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