[TriLUG] xxx.xxx.xx received a message with incorrect aurthorization code

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Mon Feb 16 17:30:54 EST 2004

On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 17:12, Ralph Blach wrote:
> I am running an sercure Imap server behind a firewall using ssl on port
> 993
> On my fireway, I have port forwarding enable.
> When I try to connect to the imap server from inside the fireway, everthing
> works OK except I get bad certificates because it thinks I am
> locahost.localdomain
> When I try to connect from outside the firewall I get this message,
> xxx.xxx.xxx receive a message with incorrect authorization.
> 1)How do I create certificates
> 2)How do I use them so I can communicate with my imap server
> Thanks

This might be helpful to you:

I've setup so many certs and CA's (and kept looking up how to do it each
time) - I finally wrote my own step-by-step setup.

Hope it's helpful - Jon Carnes

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