[TriLUG] xxx.xxx.xx received a message with incorrect aurthorization code

Brian McCullough bdmc at bdmcc-us.com
Tue Feb 17 09:50:31 EST 2004

On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 05:30:54PM -0500, Jon Carnes wrote:
> This might be helpful to you:
>   http://www.trilug.org/~jonc/CA_setup/index.html
> I've setup so many certs and CA's (and kept looking up how to do it each
> time) - I finally wrote my own step-by-step setup.
> Hope it's helpful - Jon Carnes


Nice work, and very familiar!

Usually, I have to go through all of the Apache SSL HowTo / Manual to
remind myself of what I did a year or so ago.

For servers this is almost exactly what I have done several times.  (
Not counting the re-tries when I forget what I did last time, and have
to figure out, but trial and error, how to do it again! )

Incidentally, and not exactly related to this subject, I am also a fan
and proponent of the Thawte Free Certificate program -- not for servers,
certainly, but good for clients who aren't / won't use PGP.


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