[TriLUG] SCP file create mode

Brian A. Henning lugmail at cheetah.dynip.com
Wed Feb 18 16:20:01 EST 2004

Okay..  I forgot to mention that my friend is using a Windows client.  So I
don't think the preserving permissions will work, since Windows uses a
different permissions set?  Anyhow, I think umask is the way to go.  So that
brings me to a new curiosity.

Is there some mechanism that affects whether /etc/bashrc is executed for a
user?  The reason I ask is, if I login with my username, my prompt looks
[username at host pwd]#
and my umask is 002 (rwxrwxr-x)

The root prompt looks similar, with umask 022 (rwxr-xr-x).  However, logging
in with his username results in a prompt that looks like:
with a umask of 022 (rwxr-xr-x).

I've looked at /etc/bashrc and cannot understand why his user is getting
umasked to 022, and mine  to 002.  The section of /etc/bashrc that controls
umask is
if [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" -a `id -u` -gt 99 ]; then
        umask 002
        umask 022

..which I interpret to mean "If the user's primary group name is the same as
the username, and if the user's numeric ID is greater than 99, set the umask
to 002.  Otherwise, set it to 022."

When I create a shell script that simply consists of the above snippet, it
evaluates correctly, further leading me to believe that /etc/bashrc simply
isn't being executed for this particular user.

I've looked through a number of manpages, including umask, bash, usermod, to
no avail..  What am I missing?


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