[TriLUG] open wlan in the efland area
kevin at flanagannc.net
Sat Feb 21 08:02:19 EST 2004
On Fri, 2004-02-20 at 23:28, Ralph Blach wrote:
Keep your eyes peeled for Nextel, they are getting ready to do triangle
wide trials of "wireless broadband". www.nextel.com/broadband
> Brian,
> My friends are perfectly willing to pay for access. (Their neighborhood
> has no Cable and no DSL). What I am asking is for a WiFI provider that
> sells a WiFI service. I know that their are compaineis that supply this
> kind of serivice. People use cantennes to connect to them and get
> distances of miles. So if anybody knows a provider in the Efland area,
> please let me know.
> Basically what they want is high speed acess in their home.
> So, again, does anybody know of any wifi in the efland area.
> Chip
> kf4wbk
> Brian A. Henning wrote:
> > Chip,
> > Are you asking what I think you're asking? It almost sounds like you're
> > asking if there are any unsecured WLANs your friend could leech off of..
> > There's a term for that which escapes me at the moment.. Anyway, I am going
> > to assume I am misinterpreting you and offer what little I know about public
> > WLAN availability in general.
> >
> > WiFi hotspots are gradually becoming more popular among coffee shops and
> > fast-food joints. These typically aren't free; one would purchase an
> > account from a provider such as AT&T (no preference; just the name that
> > comes to mind) for a monthly fee. Subscribing would allow your friend to
> > access high-speed internet connections whenever he takes his WiFi-enabled
> > hardware to one of these hotspots. I think I have seen places like Barnes &
> > Noble tout WiFi hotspots as well. This would be mostly a matter of driving
> > around looking for signs/advertisements.
> >
> > If your friend has his home in that area and would like to subscribe to a
> > high-bandwidth service for his home, one first step he could take is to call
> > his local POTS provider. They may be able to provide information about
> > local DSL providers. Or call his cable company. Then it would be up to him
> > how he would like to distribute the connection within his home, either with
> > wires or wirelessly. I recommend against Linksys .11b gear; I have seen
> > them perform unreliably in a number of installations.
> >
> > As far as truly public WLANs that may cover his home, it's unlikely; typical
> > transceiver range on a good day, with line-of-sight and minimal sources of
> > interference, is about 300ft, or about the length of a football field,
> > excluding the endzones. Not to mention that this sort of thing is rarely
> > free.
> >
> > If I'm inadvertantly spinning yarns here, someone please step in and unravel
> > with my blessings. :-)
> >
> > HTH,
> > ~Brian
> >
> >
> >
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