[TriLUG] Alternatives to CVS

crimsun at fungus.sh.nu crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
Thu Mar 25 12:33:40 EST 2004

On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 11:42:31AM -0500, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> Is arch still written in shell?!?  Note that it also can't handle
> spaces in filenames, so if you ever want to do that, don't bother
> with arch.  There's also the issue that it keeps changing its name
> (because of conflicts with other open source arches).

Nowadays 'tla' is the rewritten branch (in C).

I'll jump in and suggest 'monotone', a FAQ of which is found here:

Daniel T. Chen          crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
GPG key:   www.sh.nu/~crimsun/pubkey.gpg.asc
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