[TriLUG] First mtg.

Mark Wilson mrmoo1231 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 6 11:54:50 EDT 2004

--- Phillip Rhodes <mindcrime at cpphacker.co.uk> wrote:

> However a donation box is
> always out, and donations to help offset the pizza
> and soda are highly valued 

That's what I meant:  I know pizza & soda (WHAT? No
BEER? ;-) ) cost money, & I don't wanna' be a mooching

> Be sure to wear something distinguishing to identify
> yourself since it's your first meeting... I
> recommend
> a Microsoft MSDN T-Shirt, or SCO ballcap, or better
> yet,
> both.

No, but maybe my Beavis & Butthead BurgerWorld hat?


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