[TriLUG] conglomerate
Mike M
linux-support at earthlink.net
Thu May 13 13:55:25 EDT 2004
On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 12:29:57PM -0400, Timothy A. Chagnon wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 10:44, Mike M wrote:
> > Anybody using Conglomerate?
> I tried it about 6 months ago doing DocBook stuff also. IIRC it wasn't
> very impressive or terribly useful, but I don't think it was aimed
> specifically at DocBook then either.
OK. Thanks.
> I just use vi. The documents I've
> worked on only include config files and pics I don't have to edit. I
> just use one long file for the SGML. You could change your filetype
> settings in vim and specify the .sgml extention or a particular
> directory to be typed as docbook.
Without the all-important DOCTYPE first line in the chapter chunks, the
vi syntax highlight is not as rich as when the first line is
Once I created a system of Python scripts for editing the chunks.
The scripts would detect the presence/absence of
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
and temporarily add it to the file before invoking vi on the
modified file. The line would be removed upon exit from vi
only if it was added. It was OK but the system fell into
disuse and has since been lost in a dusty corner somewhere.i
I just did some testing and found that if the first line is
<!DOCTYPE "DocBook">
then vi can identify standard docbook tags and color them
yellow. Without the DOCTYPE line, tags are not identified
and they are colored blue.
I've gone back to the monolithic .sgml file for now. One
file is more than 3k lines long and getting through
openjade is taking more time than I'd like it to. I want
to switch back to chunking the docs and use make to control
the document production process. To do this, I want to
get vi to understand that chapter chunks are docbooks even
though they dont have the DOCTYPE line in them.
Maybe I can edit the vi configuration to treat all .sgml or
.xml unconditionally as docbook?
> -Tim
> --
> Timothy A. Chagnon <tchagnon at nc.rr.com>
> --
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