[TriLUG] folding HD space...

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Thu May 13 14:37:41 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 14:07, dsandif wrote:
> I sure at some point that this question has been addressed but I'll ask
> it anyway,
> I have adual boot laptop with XP on one side and Fedora core 1 system
> running on the other, about 20 each. On the Fedora side I would like to
> reduce the size of root or "/" and add to home without having to
> reinstall the whole linux OS again. Is there a way to move HD space from
> partition to another, can this be done with out loss of data  AND is
> there way to take HD space from the windows side and and give it to the
> Fedora linux side, ( forgive me if I sound like such a nooob!...), thxs.
> D-

In general you can do this with a tool like Partition magic.  You can
also brute force it by booting to a knoppix disk - backing up each
partition, blowing away the HD and then repartitioning it.  I often use
this method as it's fairly easy to automate and I no longer have a valid
license for Partition Magic.

Jon Carnes

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