[TriLUG] quickbooks vs sql-ledger

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Fri Jun 18 13:56:46 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 13:24, Jason Tower wrote:
> (why oh why would a company deliberately design their web 
> page to exclude non-IE browsers, *especially* when your product is 
> SUPPOSED TO RUN ON LINUX!!!!!  i mean what kind of grade-A fscking 
> moron would do that?  no offense to ryan, but gee what a shock they 
> don't have much of a user base)

Yeah, what's amazing about it is that the web designers have to
*deliberately* design their site so that it doesn't work in non-IE
browsers.  If you use standard HTML, or even if you don't know HTML but
use authoring tools, it comes natural to use basic designs that work
fine across browsers.  You have to work *HARD* to make something that
mozilla won't show.  And there are plenty of great web sites out there
on cross-browser issues.  

Any company that makes an IE-only web site has made a conscious decision
to say to Linux users, "We don't want you as customers, go away."  They
shouldn't be surprised at all about this fact.


| Jeremy Portzer        jeremyp at pobox.com      trilug.org/~jeremy     |
| GPG Fingerprint: 712D 77C7 AB2D 2130 989F  E135 6F9F F7BC CC1A 7B92 |
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