[TriLUG] Anyone Available?

Jason Purdy jason at journalistic.com
Mon Jun 21 15:25:35 EDT 2004

I have a friend that needs help setting up a Wi-Fi spot at an 
independent coffee house in Raleigh.  They already have DSL & an 802.11B 
access point, but they would like to take it to the next level, popping 
up advertisements (supplementing the free Wi-Fi) to users and having a 
computer workstation (they're thinking an iMac) to be a training center 
for new hires, a presentation center for customer education, a music 
station and an intranet site for customers to access info.

I was thinking of doing this myself, but as we talked further, it seems 
out of my area of expertise -- at least something that would take me a 
lot longer than it would some of you guys. :)  So, I'm lobbing this onto 
the list -- if you're interested, contact Dawson Roark (details below) 
and go from there.  Heck, you may be able to negotiate free latte's for 
life! ;)



Contact Dawson Roark
dawson.roark AT industrialpowersales.com
919-876-6115 x 132

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