[TriLUG] Lunch Friday?

ALFRED JOHNSON alfjon at mindspring.com
Thu Jul 15 01:03:36 EDT 2004

Incidentally, you don't have to wait until Saturday to set up the 
Tri-lug table. We are going to help some dealers set up Friday night 
ca. 6 PM. You might prefer to do it Sat. morning, I'm just informing 
you that you have a Friday night option. The building is locked after 
the Friday night setup is complete and the police station is very close 
by. But I strongly suggest that if you don't come Friday night that you 
plan to arrive very early Sat. morning. 73, AL  KQ4FP.

Anybody up for that Thai Palace place again?
>> I've been jonesing to go back there for a while...
>> Say Friday around 12:00?
>> TTYL,
>> Phil
> Phil,y
> You're welcome to join the group getting together to prepare
> for the trilug table at the Cary Swapfest.  We're already
> planning on meeting at Crazy Fire on Friday at noon. :-)
> (How did you miss that, btw? :-)
> Cheers,
> Tanner
> -- 
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