URPMI repositories (was Re: [TriLUG] Favorite yum/apt repositories)

Joseph Tate jtate at dragonstrider.com
Fri Aug 13 00:45:55 EDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

Tanner Lovelace wrote:
| http://www.urpmi.org/easyurpmi/

<troll type="no_response_needed">Yeah, too bad all the server
suggestions suck, unless you happen to be in Europe.</troll>

As Mike mentioned, Dag's done some excellent work, and made it available
via yum repository.  I also use the aforementioned freshrpms.net (a
requirement if you want to play mp3s on a RH/FedCore system).  The other
two that I have are http://crash.fce.vutbr.cz/crash-hat/ and
http://rpms.xcyb.org/ for clamav, mailscanner and a few other niche
software packages.

Warning rant ahead.

If you couldn't tell, I'm not very satisfied with urpmi.  I've yet to
find a *reliable* set of urpmi repositories, and I've been through the
easyurpmi thing at least three times, though there appear to be more
sources there now.

The fact that a third party site must be used to set up urpmi to get it
working at all should be a big red flag; at least FedCore comes out of
the box able to update--though only if the server is not too slammed.
Of course with Fedora mirrors, the repository info (read RPM header
directory) is mirrored with the rest of the RPMs, so therefore any
mirror becomes a yum repository automatically.  I've found that
partially true with Mandrake mirrors, which are pretty rare in this country.

It still burns me that there's no flat file configuration for urpmi
sources like up2date or yum.  I also hate having to download the entire
package info list (seemingly) every time, instead of incremental
changes.  There is hope though, yum seems to work ok on Mandrake with a
little work, and there are repositories available...
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