[TriLUG] Apache innaccessible from outside of home router

Jeff Groves jgroves at krenim.org
Mon Aug 23 10:08:30 EDT 2004

Victor Snesarev wrote:

>I know this subject has been discussed to death on the net, but nothing
>I was able to google up helped.
>Here's the network:
>---[CableModem]---[d-link 713p router]---[PC IP=]
>PC running FC2 Linux 2.6.5-1.358 and Apache 2.0.49.
>I can reach the sample Apache page from a different computer on the same
>196.168.0.xxx subnet, but cannot reach it from the outside world using
>the router's IP address.
>httpd.conf is set up to "Listen 8888" and port 8888 is forwarded to
> by the router.
>In fact, I know that outside requests reach the PC because Ethereal
>shows a short TCP session when I try to reach the PC from outside the
>router. I compared it to the TCP session from the local home LAN and saw
>something odd. The TCP handshake from the outside connection looks like
>Router-to-PC  SYN
>PC-to-Router  SYN,ACK
>Router-to-PC  RST  (terminate)
>A handshake from a local LAN PC completes fine and Apache serves the page.
>This almost points to the router, but I am not sure where to go from here.
>Just for reference, I am not running iptables or ipchains (I don't think
>it's even installed) on the Linux box. Apache access_log and error_log
>do not show any events associated with a connection attempt from outside
>the local LAN.
>Any ideas?
The only thing that I can think of (and it's pretty unlikely at best) is 
that you may have some entry /etc/hosts.deny file that is preventing the 

Jeff G.

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