[TriLUG] Another WRT54G question

Shane O'Donnell shaneo at nc.rr.com
Mon Aug 30 17:03:35 EDT 2004

Yes, you can do this.  And I'll tell you how in three easy steps:

 Step 1)  Show up to the next TriLUG meeting
 Step 2)  Wait for me to finishing drinking free beer, as provided by Jon C.
 Step 2)  Listen to me tell you how to set it up


Shane O. 

-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On Behalf
Of Tanner Lovelace
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 12:40 PM
To: Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list
Subject: [TriLUG] Another WRT54G question

While we seem to be on the subject of the WRT54G I thought I'd
through out another question for the experts out there. :-)

What I would like to accomplish is this.  I would like to
completely separate my internal, external, and wireless
networks.  That is, the wireless network should have no
access to the internal network and vice-versa, unless
I setup something like a VPN.  Yet both of them should
have access to the external network (WAN or Internet).
How hard is it to do this with the WRT54G?  It would be
nice to be able to do this with one small simple box,
rather than setting up an openbsd or linux box to do it.
Extra points if the WRT54G could also do the VPN
functionality too. :-)


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