[TriLUG] OT : Don't let Cheney hide

Jos Purvis purvis at melete.org
Thu Oct 7 12:53:32 EDT 2004

Steve Williams wrote:
> Nice try - you almost pulled it off.

Good try yourself, but you misunderstood me. On re-reading, I can see that 
would be easy to do, though.

> You can't have it both ways - either don't have the discussion here, or do -
> but dont try to hide your thinly veiled public agreement with the message in
> with your steadfast "don't talk about that here, unless it's Linux"
> statement.

The statement was not offered as political propaganda, but instead as a 
statement of context: I wanted people to understand that I was asking the 
speaker to pipe down not because I didn't agree with him (the immediate 
assumption of many) but instead because I didn't want any such 
propagandizing on this list. On re-reading, I can see that I may have snuck 
in a little propagandizing with my phrasing, but I can assure you that was 
not my intent. :)

To addres some of the other concerns, am I asking the moderators to ban any 
political talk on this list? No. Am I requesting that anyone's free speech 
rights be quashed? Absolutely not. I am asking, as a member of this 
community who has not enjoyed the recent descent into flame wars of several 
potentially-promising threads, for people to take the political baiting not 
related to Linux and place it in another forum more appropriate. Those who 
choose not to do so are welcome to ignore me: however, they risk being 
killfiled by those of us who choose not to read such comments. This in turn 
means political-posters' other legitimate contributions to other discussions 
run the risk of being ignored by some portion of the community.

Think of me as the friendly bar patron asking political speakers to take it 
outside. I ain't the bartender, just someone asking.


/  Jos Purvis (purvis at melete.org) ||  Yet Another Security Geek  \
| I just can't haiku / I can never remember / how many...MY EYE! |
|     -- Mike Sphar, demonstrating his poetic abilities in SDM   |

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