[TriLUG] hardware: looking for pcmcia ethernet type I
Brian Henning
lugmail at cheetah.dynip.com
Sat Nov 13 12:00:24 EST 2004
The Linksys NP100 is a Type-I "dongled" 10/100 Fast Ethernet card, and I
believe it works with linux, although I'm not entirely sure. I use it in an
old 486 tablet computer, and so far I've only been successful installing DOS
on the thing (and it works in DOS). I think I did see it function while
attempting a network linux install, but I ran out of "hard drive" space (a
128MB CF card is all I have to work with...type-II pcmcia hard drives are
hard to find [in my experience] and not worth the money).
So that's an option for you.
-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org]On
Behalf Of Joseph Mack
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 11:37 AM
To: Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list
Subject: [TriLUG] hardware: looking for pcmcia ethernet type I
for a demonstration firewall, I need to have 2 ethernet ports in a
older laptop with pcmcia type I slots. The speed is not real important,
so 10Mpbs is OK, but it would be nice if they were 100Mbps so I could
use them for other things later.
Since dual pcmcia ethernet cards will be expensive (if they exist)
I assume I'm looking for pcmcia NICs with a dongle, so I can fit in
two of them.
Looking at the pcmcia Linux hardware compatibility pages, there is
no info on whether the cards are type I or II. Pricewatch is similarly
unhelpful. Taking a guess, I looked on the 3COM website for info about
the 3c574TX 3COM/Megahertz card, which since it is quite old (I think)
I expect is type I, but there is no info about the type-ness of the card.
So then I expect I'm looking for someone who has a pcmcia single slot
type I ethernet card with dongle that works under Linux to tell
me what it is, so I can go buy one
I need info on how to tell the type-ness of a pcmcia card.
Thanks Joe
Joseph Mack PhD, High Performance Computing & Scientific Visualization
LMIT, Supporting the EPA Research Triangle Park, NC 919-541-0007
Federal Contact - John B. Smith 919-541-1087 - smith.johnb at epa.gov
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