[TriLUG] linux video and an OT question

Ryan Leathers Ryan.Leathers at globalknowledge.com
Mon Nov 22 15:59:58 EST 2004

I spent 10 days in Qatar about 14 years ago.
It was during Desert Storm and I was in a uniform.
Its probably not fair to use that as a basis of comparison to today.
Still, for what it's worth, Qatar was a friendlier place than Saudi Arabia.
It was on par with Bahrain I guess.  Folks seemed generally tolerant if not
curious of me.  I also encountered a good number of English speakers.  That
said, you couldn't drag me to one of the gulf states today for any amount of
cash.  The only way I'd go back is if they started drafting tired old pudgy
veterans.  I think I'm safe.

-----Original Message-----
From: gregbrown at mindspring.com [mailto:gregbrown at mindspring.com]
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 3:46 PM
To: trilug at trilug.org
Subject: [TriLUG] linux video and an OT question

First question:

I understand that video cards are going to have to support the "broadcast
flag" which will mean I can't record video to another medium after this
stardard is supported Q1 of next year.  Is this correct?  If so, what is the
best card to purchase for use with Linux to create a PVR?  I have not yet
created a PVR but I feel that I might like to at some point so I figured I'd
better pick one up while I am employed.

Second OT question:

Has anyone on the list ever been to Doha, Qatar?  I may end up going over
there for a brief stint.  If you have been there did you like it?  Do you
still have both hands?  How were Americans treated over there? 


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