[TriLUG] Fw: [501techclub-triangle] Tech Club meeting Thursday night!
Mark W4CHL
rtpnetms-w4chl at sneakemail.com
Wed Dec 8 22:12:43 EST 2004
Dear TriLUG,
Great organization to volunteer with if you have some time to spare working with area non-profits.
Hope to see some of you there !
Cheers de Mark
Mark Smith, W4CHL OCRA Liaison to PARC
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: "matthew-at-netcorps-nc.org |nten|" <...>
Sent: Dec 8, 2004 9:22 PM
To: 501techclub-triangle at list.nten.org
Subject: [501techclub-triangle] Tech Club meeting Thursday night!
Just one last reminder and invitiation to join your nonprofit technology
peers at George's Garage for socializing and a little learning! We'll be
in a private room that is separate from the main restaurant. The entrance
to the room is next door to Kerr Drugs.
We look forward to seeing you there!
For more information, check out:
Matthew Latterell
Executive Director, NetCorps
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