[TriLUG] Rock Ridge Extensions

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 09:26:15 EDT 2005

Take a look at the man page.  There are two options.  You can either
do -r and it will do RockRidge with the specified user/group/permissions
from the files themselves, or you can do -R and it will convert them
to anonymous so that they can be read by anyone who mounts the CD.

-R -J works very well together.

(Note, btw, please double check the specific parameters with the
man page since I'm operating from memory here.)


On Apr 7, 2005 9:01 AM, Brian Henning <brian at strutmasters.com> wrote:
> Hi Y'all,
>    I'm using the -J mkisofs option to put Joliet extensions in my ISOs,
> so that I get better long filename/path support.  However, when I do
> that, mkisofs spits out a warning that I am omitting Rock Ridge
> Extensions, and that it is "highly recommended" that I add them.
> I've never had any problems reading CDs burned from ISOs where this
> warning was given.  But I also don't like warnings, if I can avoid them.
> Only problem is, I can't figure out how to add Rock Ridge.  RR seems to
> be the default if -J *isn't* specified, but also appears to be turned
> off if -J *is* specified.  I tried --force-rr, but that didn't work (and
> more careful reading of the manpage sort of explained why)..  But even a
> pattern search through the manpage for "rock ridge" doesn't seem to tell
> me how to add Rock Ridge to a Joliet ISO.
> So.  How do you do it?  (-:
> Thanks!
> ~Brian
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Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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