[TriLUG] OT: Remote Reboot Power strip

Ron Joffe rjoffe at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 21:04:45 EDT 2005

On Monday 23 May 2005 19:48, Jon Carnes wrote:
> Hola TriLUG-gers,
> I've got some remote equipment that locks up on occasion. Some really
> wonderful contractors built the cluster for me on the cheap using used
> computers (and I got what I paid for).
> I'm not terribly worried about each individual piece but it is a pain in
> the tuckus to run out and reboot one of the cluster when it locks. Thus
> the subject of this off-topic missive: Remote Reboot Power Strips.
> Anyone have some nice recommendations. I was looking at something like
> the Baytech Remote Power RS/232 Switch (~$250). Not as sexy as one that
> has built-in Ethernet - but definitely cheaper. Plus I have lots of nice
> robust Linux servers out at the same location with serial ports to
> spare...
> Any on-topic comments on this off-topic subject are welcome. Let *me*
> learn from *your* mistakes!
> Jon Carnes


Check out www.dataprobe.com. Not sure if you need a single port reboot device, 
or a multi port version. I have used the four port device for many years, and 
it works very nicely for exactly what you describe. 

They do have a single port device http://www.dataprobe.com/power/iboot.html 
which sells for $275. I have not used this device, but it might be your deal.


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