[TriLUG] Mutt???

Hugh Crissman hcrissman at secure-mind.net
Fri Jun 17 13:50:35 EDT 2005

> Hugh Crissman wrote:
> >I use mutt to connect to an IMAP server. In general it is great. Is their 
> >a way to select a group of messages, say in your "INBOX", and move them to 
> >a subfolder on the IMAP server? I google this and went through all of the 
> >man pages and could not find anything about moving messages?
> > 
> >
* Aaron S. Joyner <aaron at joyner.ws> [2005-06-17 10:23:56]:
> It is possible to "tag" message in mutt to accomplish exactly what you 
> want.  If I remember correctly, you use t to tag a message, T to tag 
> based on certain properties of like messages (such as a regex or simple 
> pattern match against sender or subject), and then semi-colon to specify 
> that the next keypress-action is to take effect against all "tagged" 
> messages.  See the mutt documentation for further details on tagging, a 
> very powerful feature.
> Aaron S. Joyner
> -- 
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That helps. I have messed around w/ tag(t) but not tag (T). I will try to use "T" and see what happens. 
But the next question, after you get them tagged, can you move them? I see a option to copy but not move? 
Sorry, just trying to save a couple key strokes.



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