[TriLUG] new project: networked video cameras

Shane O'Donnell shaneodonnell at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 13:22:32 EDT 2005

What do you mean by "front-end for the database"?  

DB administration?  Or GUI to present your pix, which you're storing
in a database?

BTW - the whole "pics in a database" isn't making a lot of sense to
me, but hey -- your goofy project #45798...

Shane O.

On 7/21/05, Greg Brown <gwbrown1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay.  I have a new project.  I have been testing motion, the
> linux-based motion detection and capture software, this week using an
> Axis 206 network camera.  It works great.  Motion appears to ship with
> some mysql (and posgresql) hooks that look promising (though they
> require a rebuild of the software, no big deal).
> But now I am stuck looking for a good looking front-end for the
> database.  I haven't located one on sourceforge and I don't mind
> building one, but a nice pre-packaged GPL PHP package would be idea
> due to time constraints.  Has anyone heard of such a beast?
> Greg
> --
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Shane O.
Shane O'Donnell
shaneodonnell at gmail.com

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