[TriLUG] AMD and reliability

Ken Mink ken.mink at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 09:37:23 EDT 2005

I currently have 2 AMD machines, 1 Intel and Via Mini-ITX machine. One
AMD is a 2500 on a ASUS mobo and is my main desktop. It's been very
stable. I've been using it for about 2 years. The other AMD machine is
a 2600 again on a ASUS mobo. It's my MythTV box. Obviously stability
is a huge factor there and it's been great. The MythTV box runs
24x7x365 without a hitch. While Myth occassionally goes down, the box
has yet to drop. I don't buy Intel processor anymore. AMD's bang for
the buck just wins out.

But since we're talking about stability. My Intel box is a 300A
Celeron that has been running stable overclocked to 450MHz for about 6
years now. I don't remember what the mobo is, but the two have been
great together.

That's the thing, it's the processor & mother board together. I don't
think there's any problem with AMD processors, it's some of the cheap
POS(not point of sale) mother boards that will kill you. I'm really
partial to ASUS simply because I've never had a problem with an
ASUS/AMD combo machine. I've also had good luck with Abit. YMMV.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."--Benjamin Franklin
" 'Necessity' is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it
is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."--William Pitt

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