[TriLUG] Ecumenical Computing

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 11:43:17 EST 2005


Tells the tale of someone who laser etched an image strongly
associated with VI on the cover of a Mac Powerbook.  To me VI seems to
be the polar opposite of the Mac UI.

The laser etch service used Corel Draw (presumably on a Windows
machine) to do the layout.

No mention of any use of emacs though, but quite a ragtag collection
of diverse computer stuff.

BTW, since I decided I needed to find out more about VI myself after
recent postings here I managed to find a copy of the O'Reilly
"Learning VI" yesterday.  I was wondering just what kind of critter
that was on the cover, and dammed if Boing Boing didn't point me to
the answer before I even tried to find out!

Rick DeNatale

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