[TriLUG] Coldfusion, apache, Centos4 with bonus off-topic question

Dave Sorenson dave at logicalgeek.com
Mon Nov 21 12:20:51 EST 2005

Happy Monday all!

I'm having a problem installing Coldfusion MX7 on CentOs4 specifically 
with the apache connector. I get everything installed, tell it where the 
apache stuff is and try to start the server. From that point the apache 
connector times out , the load module snippet never gets added to 
httpd.conf and of course CF fails. I've tried Googling for more and have 
found references saying I need to build the connector manually, but 
nothing further on the process. Anyone ever done this?

A side note, I have successfully installed and configured coldfusion mx7 
on a different centos4 box (same os install media) via the installer 
before so I know it will work. I'm just at a loss as to why its not 
automagically working this time.

My off-topic question is: I'm looking at satellite radio (Sirius and XM) 
for /dev/Audi  as $work.commute="long" |  

What services are fellow trilugers using and how do you like them? Bonus 
points for any other info you may have. THANKS!

Dave S

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