[TriLUG] Burning DVDs with large files

Brian Henning brian at strutmasters.com
Thu Dec 15 09:42:11 EST 2005

Hi Guys,
   Got the dual-layer DVD burner in yesterday and got my dual-layer 
blanks ready..  and suddenly have come upon the issue that mkisofs only 
allows files up to a certain size (probably up to the size of a 
single-layer DVD).  So I googled a bit and found out about UDF, but the 
mkudffs tool I found doesn't create an image I can burn using cdrecord.. 
  and I've not yet found a useful tutorial or howto that specifically 
mentions large files.  Anyway, here's the specific situation:

file is a g4u image 6.5GB in size.

media is an 8.4GB dual-layer DVD-R.

Would someone tell me how to get that file on the DVD, or point me to a 
good tutorial?  I'm a bit of a fish out of water when my mkisofs -> 
cdrecord system breaks.. :-(

Thanks a lot!

Brian A. Henning

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