[TriLUG] Squid Logs and Google

Aaron S. Joyner aaron at joyner.ws
Fri Jan 6 23:30:01 EST 2006

Dean Price wrote:

> Ok Squid freaks...
> I just noticed something, my squid logs only show
> "http://www.google.com/search?"
> how do I get squid to process beyond the "?"
> Thanks,
> Dean Price

In summary, it's intentional, for privacy reasons.  There isn't a
default way to disable it, you'll need to look for and read the
urlCanonicalClean function if you really need to change that behavior. 
You can either modify that function, or substitute the appropriate calls
to urlCanonicalClean with calls to urlCanonical where needed.  It will
of course require a knowledge of C and a recompile.

Aaron S. Joyner

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