[TriLUG] Lunch Friday?

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 00:30:05 EST 2006

On 2/22/06, Pat Regan <thehead at patshead.com> wrote:

> Shortly after I moved to Dallas, TX I asked a lot of questions about the
> different forms of y'all...  All the natives I talked to agreed with:

Hahahaha!  Dallas? Southern?  Surely you jest.  Texan, yes, but
southern?  Doubtful...

> "y'all" seems to be much like "you" in that it can be both singular and
> plural, but it is most often plural.  "All y'all" is always plural, and
> it really means to encompass the whole group, not just most of it (i
> suppose that makes it VERY plural? :p).

As I said before, "y'all" is NEVER plural.  They must have some
really funny ideas there in Dallas! :-P

> I also discovered "both y'all," which is a plural form referring to two
> and only two.  You can appends an apostrophe "s" to any of these to make
> them possessive :).

Now that sounds reasonable.

> My other two favorite words I learned were "larapin" and "tump".
> "Larapin" apparently means "delicious" and "tumped" is apparently a
> combination of "tip" and "dump."

Must be Texan speak because those aren't southern words.

> I am told that you can only use "tump" in the past or present tense...
> You can use it in a warning ("Careful!  You're gonna tump it over!"), or
> you can use it in the past tense ("I tumped over my drink").  You cannot
> say that you are fixin' to tump something over...
> I hope the many months of research of a yankee in Texas is of use to
> someone :).

Texas is first and foremost Texan, before southern and definitely before
american.  Any language research done there will not yield true southern

Alabama (Sweet Home!), Missississippi, Georgia (except Atlanta),
Tennessee and South Carolina, sure, but beyond that they get some
funny ideas... :-P

Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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