[TriLUG] ajax presentation - why is javascript good, but java bad?
Shane O'Donnell
shaneodonnell at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 11:21:35 EST 2006
Javascript support in browsers has become pretty good and relatively
consistent across the board and, in most cases, you can count on
javascript support being there (although it might be disabled).
Java, for applet support within browsers, depends on an external
plug-in, which you absolutely CANNOT count on being there.
Additionally, the implementations are not as consistent and can lead
to some major support hassles. You end up in the loop where applet A
requires Java plug-in version foo and two clicks later, applet B (from
a different site/application) requires Java plug-in version bar.
Too many variables to count on for success in large environments and
WAY too many to put something out in the wild on the Internet and hope
for consistent performance/behavior.
That said, I remain a steadfast Java fan...just not in browsers.
Heading back for more gub'ment cheese in my van down by the river,
Shane O.
On 3/10/06, Wing D Lizard <wingedlizard at nc.rr.com> wrote:
> Why is javascript good, but java bad?
> It seems like you could do something similar using using
> plain old java ( like sending diff, instead of reloading whole
> page).
> My java programming has been apps only ( like air traffic control
> display for military) -- no applets. Is it just that java within
> a browser is bad?
> Java would have to be faster than javascript, easier for
> programmers to program. I would expect the tools to
> be better as well ( maybe not ).
> b\375
> --
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Shane O.
Shane O'Donnell
shaneodonnell at gmail.com
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