[TriLUG] OT: C++ question, linked list of objects

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 10:43:12 EDT 2006

On 4/3/06, Joseph Mack NA3T <jmack at wm7d.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Apr 2006, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> > What class at what university?
> ncstate csc214

"Course Description
This is an advanced course in computer science and object
oriented programming in C++ with an emphasis on algorithm
development, programming techniques, Object Oriented
design, pointers, data representation, debugging, and
program verification. "

Linked lists are not generally thought of as an "advanced"  CS
topic.  They're generally covered in a first year course, rather
than a second year course.  Perhaps that's why it wasn't
covered as well as you would have liked.

> > If you have to do it yourself, why are you asking here?
> o I don't know it
> o it wasn't part of the lectures. Most of the homework is
> not part of the lectures and you have to figure it out from
> scratch. I would have hoped the homework would reinforce the
> material in lectures, but that doesn't seem to be it's
> purpose.
> o you have to get it "right" so I can't make up a way of
> doing it; I have to find the standard way of doing it.
> o I haven't found the answer with google.

Did you try going to the office hours and ask the professor?
That's what they're there for. That's what I suggested
when I tought a course  (Programming Language
Concepts, Spring 2001 @ UNC). How about e-mailing
the TA or the professor?  They're there for a reason.

In addition, the course syllabus clearly states:

"All assignments for this course must be independent and
individual creations of the student. Students who submit
plagiarized or collaborative work will be subject to penalties
through the university judicial system which can be as
severe as an F in the course and/or an academic warning
and/or suspension from the university."

How do you justify asking for help here with the clear prohibition
against "collaborative work"?

I don't mean to discourage people asking for help on the
trilug mailing list, but lots of professors can get very picky
(with good reason) about students' homework.

Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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