[TriLUG] MySQL & Perl
Steve Hoffman
srhoffman at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 12:50:59 EDT 2006
Every time I've installed DBD for mysql (mainly for bugzilla), I've had
issues installing. If I remember correctly the installation problems were
not due to compilation errors, but failing too many tests...If you can
verify that you can force install DBD::mysql
otherwise do it manually:
exit cpan
cd /root/.cpan/build/DBD-mysql-2.9008/
make clean; perl Makefile.PL; make ; make install
if your error is during the Make process (don't even get to the tests
section) I seem to remember that on various distros (may just be RH, don't
remember) you had to change the default LANG..
On 4/27/06, Mark Freeze <mfreeze at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience using mysql perl scripts? I am using
> Ubuntu and when I try to install the DBI thru CPAN it fails
> repeatedly. Does anyone have any advice, good sites, or secrets to
> share? I have been using instructions found at
> http://search.cpan.org/~rudy/DBD-mysql-2.9008/
> but I seem to be getting nowhere.
> Thanks,
> Mark.
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